jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021

A meal or food I really like

 I can't with the season of corn I just think its a such a good creation and I'm really grateful for that because it give me my favorite meal: the humitas this food prepared for the full corn even its sheets. Maybe it's fault of my grandma that I like it, She's great cooking. In the other hand corn could prepare with so many other forms: as a salad, as a cake ñammmmm Repeat such a great creation! 

Other thing important about me it's that when I was born I had a strange disease that consisted in not can eat nothing animal derivative so maybe this also determinated my love for more veggie food like corn, and pastas or Italian squash. In the moment I'm high about my disease but I never liked yogurt, a few the milk some seafood but that´s 😋. Due to this it´s a thing of childhood I think that I have the right of be "regodiona" sorry mama haha But I'm healthy I swear.

About the meat I´m not so good for eat it. I never go to say "barbecue??? mmmm delicious!" No. But I go to recognize that is a nice family instance.

Finally, I also like the fuits. My favorite is orange, kiwi or watermelon I can´t choose. I just know that a prefer more sour than sweet fuits.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021

My Favorite Piece of Technology

When talking about my favorite piece of technology, I realized that I will also talk about what I use the most today and I think is very obvious due to the context in wich we find ourselves: the computer. With my computer i have a special history because I and nobody buy it. Since in the past I was in a state school, let's say the state gave it to me and I just had to choose its color (and it's a very peculiar color). The thing is that this happend 7 years ago so being realist I think that its time to die is coming😢 You were so useful to me thank you so much, Mr yellow computer. 

So maybe I'm going to have to buy a new one even if it costs me a lot of money because it is very necessary to attend classes, do work, read papers and communicate with the world. Sometimes I worry about my dependency on it and what it afect to my eyes but if you could use glasses for blue light and disconnect when you think that it's to much! 

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that a I have a lot of thing to mention.  For example  I blame the radical change from an online system to a presential one because ...