jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that a I have a lot of thing to mention.  For example  I blame the radical change from an online system to a presential one because the first that I mencioned let me a big empy in the learning. On my own I think that the university sistem was not ready to a pandemic and the people pretend yes, but I know that nothing more it could do just keeping studying although I am the only person who think that it's unfair to pay a university online life? these was not a good learnining.
Other thought  that I have it is about the subjects that I considered ""obstacle"" and according me they wouldnt stay in the malla like Electromagnetismo Maybe it comes through the fury due to my inability to adaption but I don't think that it's unfair.The context it's this: I fail one subject, electromagnetismo and it's ok, I accept that these things happen, I blame myself enough. But this is not the point. The situation that causes me this fury is that this subject is a requirement for an anual subject that has little relation with electro, so I consider it unnecessary to cause me this delay in my studies...
Anyway I could keep doing that but honestly I don't have the energy.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

 Hi to everyone, today in class make me to reflext about  a trip to the future and actually it is something hard to think  about because the future means something unknow, in change, travel to the past is easier to me because I can choose a special moment that is to know with the objective of remembering a memory of a love or that I want to change, in short, the past inspires me more security, the future scares me a little bit. But well, let's go to the point of this blog, I am going to do the effort and say where I would like to go that is in a very fast future because I don't want to meet with myself or someone of my family which is younger than me, but I would like see with my own eyes how  the is world constituted, how it has changed, so probably I will travel to the year 2500. 

I'll be honest I do not think that the world could be better than today because, for example, the climate change: we are not working for a better place, why would we do it in a future?  I hope to descover a worst world when I travel so I wouldn't like to stay there. Anothe reason not to stay is because  humans are socials beings  and stay in a place, or in this case in another time, means live without my family and I think that I couldn't. That is all thanks for reading.

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2022

Post 3: My Dream Job

 I think that if someone gave me the option of don't work I will probably take the chance, but as dreams don't come true it is better that I start to wake up. That is to what I am studying chemistry and pharmacy for, in earn moneya future. So my job will be a pharmaceutic who helps people solve with a lot of doubts about their drugs or how they can feel their better if they get sick, had an accident etc. While I am all day behind a counter. I now that it doesn't sound the funiest but I think it is a very useless for the population regarding health. Also I will get a great money and that motivates me a lot. I am not go to lie 😂. all that I sayis something that I think I will be some day, but if I trully talk  about a """dream""" job maybe I imagine to be a personal assistant of someone famous. Just imagine traveling around the world, see a lot of faces, the emotions, all this while you are a best friend of this famous. Obviuosly My prefence on famous persons is some of the guys that I wrote about on the previous post. 😁 

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2022

Post 2: The Best Concert ever

 I was made to do this blog because I'm a very big a fan and remember this moment made me feel so excited. I talk about One Direction. They came to Chile on 30th and 31st April in 2014 when I was only a little girl with eleven years old. The sad thing is that I had a kind of amnesia about the concert because I have shorts flashbacks maybe it's due to my age but anyways, for example I don't remember when the audience shouted out because they wanted the band to play a few more songs or how I entered to this venue, a  typical thing in this events. Despite of this I have a few videos (in a bad quoality, but I have them so I don't care 😂). I have on upperstand seat on galery and I went with my aunt which bought my ticket and the ticket of my sister too. I wish I could come back to this moment but it is impossible because they are not together now and that makes me so sad because my fanatism for them is the same despite of the years. I am so loyal. 

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

 A place that a like to visit is Turkey because I know that this country have beautiful temples that I really like will see in real life no through on seens. Also i know that in the streets there are many cats walking free around, in my chilean culture is usual to see dogs, not cats doing that, so i found it so interesting.   

I have to admit that maybe I am been influencied by the series that my mom watch on nacional tv because they have a lot of drama!!!

something that I dont like of this country is their culture because is very machism and my self opinion formed at the long of the years dont support that so if you ask me "Would you like to study/work/live there? I think no I will live in pain😞😞 and thinking better maybe  I wouldn't like to visit haha maybe I change the opinion at the end of this blog, sorry fans 😂😂

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that a I have a lot of thing to mention.  For example  I blame the radical change from an online system to a presential one because ...