jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

Why did I choose my major?

 When I was a child I just played for everywhere but I remember that my favorites toys always were a little pets, no barbies, no cars, a pets and I collect and take care of them. So everytime that someone asked me  "what would you like to be when you grow up?" the little Conny answer: maybe a vet. With the time I realized that it was not just about taking care of animals. Then when I was arbou 14 years old my taste of chemistry was increasing and next to this my marks, even have calculating and the idea of working in a laboratory fascinates me. That's why my two options of carrer to the university was chemistry and farmacy or medical technology, but always I was inclined for the first, and here I am. I think that I'm not wrong but the fact that I have to pay a lot of money to study is a big pression for me😓. Even in my first tests I got really sick to my stomach, I guess is part of growing up so I try to be possitive and think that one day all cost will be returned to me for example when I will work on a laboratory or farmacy.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2021

Who am I?

 Hello teacher and classmates, my name is Constanza but I would appreciate if you call me Conny😊. I'm 18 years old, I live in Santiago de Chile in a house with my mom, sister and dog and now I'm in my first year of  Quimica y Farmacia at the university. 

I like to spend time with my family that's why we watch movies on Netflix every weekend.  Also I like to listen to music and maybe, just maybe, sing because I think that I'm little shy. Last year (due to the pandemic) I learned to knit and play ukelele so this is what I do as a hobby when I don't want to use the phone anymore. That is all for now!! thanks for reading this<3 .XX

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021

alien idiom

 Hi!!! I'm Conny and I'm doing the homework from my English class. I think that is my favorite class because I really like this language. Maybe that started with the music when I was aroud 10 years old. Just imagine a little girl dancing (or jumping dont know😂😂) while She's singing with all of the passion but as if it an alien idiom. I don't know why but its more difficult to me speak to english than read and listen it, actually I can even say that enjoy it so much in my spare time, anyways I hope I wasn't so wrong and someday to master it.<3 

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that a I have a lot of thing to mention.  For example  I blame the radical change from an online system to a presential one because ...