miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021

alien idiom

 Hi!!! I'm Conny and I'm doing the homework from my English class. I think that is my favorite class because I really like this language. Maybe that started with the music when I was aroud 10 years old. Just imagine a little girl dancing (or jumping dont know😂😂) while She's singing with all of the passion but as if it an alien idiom. I don't know why but its more difficult to me speak to english than read and listen it, actually I can even say that enjoy it so much in my spare time, anyways I hope I wasn't so wrong and someday to master it.<3 

3 comentarios:

  1. You could try to watch the series / movies in English, it helps a lot :)

  2. i like the meme, i think it illustrate the thing you wrote about yourself


Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that a I have a lot of thing to mention.  For example  I blame the radical change from an online system to a presential one because ...