jueves, 8 de julio de 2021

An expert / person in your field that you admire

This time I wan to put in that a woman who is not specifically a celebrity, with whom I feel represented or closer and this is María Teresa Ruiz. She is a Chilean astronomer (actually she studied astronomy at this Universidad de Chile). She was the winner of the National Prize for Exact Sciences in 1997 for her contribution to the study of dwarf stars, which led her to discover the first brown dwarf on record, which she named Kelu, which by the way means red in mapudungun! what a way to honor the country!!!! As if that weren't enough, she is the first astronomy graduate in our country and the first woman to be accepted for a doctorate in astrophycics at Princeton University. 

Of courseThis apart from making her an important person for science makes her an example of an empowered woman capable of overthrowing the stigmas of society, that why I admire her.

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Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that a I have a lot of thing to mention.  For example  I blame the radical change from an online system to a presential one because ...