jueves, 8 de julio de 2021

A subject you enjoyed studying

I find it difficult to write about one now because the preference for seasons is changing, besides that I am not very animated with them but if I had to choose one now I think it would be Introduction to Calculus because it is the one that is easier for me at the time to study it and I even consider it entertaining.

 In this subject mathematics and their skills with letters, numbers, etc. are studied where everything is more dynamic, mechanical and almost automatic with the necessary knowledge that the teachers provide me in the classes. 

Currently we have seen in more depth functions, trigonometric functions and their models. All this is a world that is getting bigger and bigger and I really came to think how someone was able to ask these questions and study them. So here I am!

Before studying it is truly a ritual because I have to mentalize the concentration and it helps me a lot to put music to motivate myself exclusively in that matter and when I am studying the pomodoro method it helps me a lot because it works under the pressure of a certain time. I recommend it !

3 comentarios:

  1. jajajaja I use some videos that show you the times, I leave you the link in case you need it

  2. Introduction to calculus was also the easiest subject for me and I also studied it listening to music hahaha <3

  3. Calculus is the most difficult subject for me:'(


Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

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